The Issue: Predictions suggesting Mitt Romney would beat President Obama in the Nov. 6 election.
What John Podhoretz's column mentions about the failure of the Republican Party to motivate its base is correct ("My Election Mistake," PostOpinion, Nov. 27).
Somehow, despite all of the "we can't have four more years of President Obama" talk heard in the streets, he beat Mitt Romney despite winning fewer popular and electoral votes than when he beat Sen. John McCain in 2008.
Romney, despite his personal success, did not come across as the man to lead. I am puzzled as to why the GOP cannot find a potential leader in its ranks.
Ray Hackinson
Ozone Park
Podhoretz writes that Obama's "ideas are wrong and have proved unworkable."
Which ideas were those — the ones that brought us back from the brink of global economic Armageddon?
For what should the American electorate forgive him — making hard choices to clean up the fiscal mess left by George W. Bush?
Podhoretz makes the myopic mistake of underestimating the intelligence of the majority and caring about nothing but driving this good man from office.
If he takes off the conservative blinders, perhaps he will see.
Michael Valente
San Clemente, Calif.